Broadcast Geeks

Episode 312 - Getting Zazlav’d!



Welcome to Episode 312 of Broadcast Geeks! On this podcast we discuss all things pop culture provided that our DVR’s have space and our streaming accounts are paid up.  This week, the Geeks (Mitch, Jake & Matt Orrin) are virtually together to discuss all things geek.    We all did a thing together!  We saw the Batman 89 movie with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, and it was glorious.  It brought tears of joy to our eyes, on multiple occasions.  We discuss whether ICP is a subsidiary of another Posse, Donut flavored Popcorn, and whether eating potato salad growing up has any effect on dick size.  There are also rumors of a Plastic Man being cast, and we talk about whether Jack was the best Joker.  What are your thoughts? You can send your feedback and show topic ideas to Follow us on Twitter @broadcastgeeks and on Instagram @broadcast_geeks. Please remember to subscribe, and review us, on iTunes and anywhere else you listen!