Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR S.2017 Ep. 09 Focus, figuring out your recipe



Do you ever have trouble concentrating? Is the chaos of this modern digital world driving you absolutely bonkers and killing your ability to FOCUS? Well, we here at Candy Teeth Radio know how you feel, and in this episode we attempt to help you help yourself (without getting too self-helpy!) Jeremy and Jake are both professional creatives, as you listeners may know, and each of them have some great tips on how to stay focused on your projects! And Geoff relates some methods he uses to keep on track and stay focused while working on misic! As you may have already guessed, the watchword for this episode is focus, but don't worry, we lose it a few times (as always!) and have a ton of fun along the way! So join us for the ride, and as always, Stay Alive!!! (P.s. This episode can also be used as a drinking game.) (P.p.s. Candy Teeth Radio does not condone competitive drinking.)