Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR S2017 Ep. 03 Monkeyshines Exposé



What is going on? What the heck are all those people doing running around with flashlights in the middle of the night? Are they catburglars, or UFO hunters, or what? Well, if you live in Tacoma, they are probably looking for Monkey Balls! "Monkeyshines" is an annual tradition here in Tacoma where an army of glassblowers stage a sort of Easter Egg hunt to celebrate the Chinese New Year. And instead of Easter Eggs, they hide blown glass orbs adorned with the animal of the current year - Monkey Balls! This year's animal is the Rooster, and our very own Jeremy Gregory joined the secret team of hiders to get the inside scoop. And as always, Jeremy recorded everything! Tune in to our running commentary as we listen to the recording, and maybe even drop a few hints on where to look for your very own Monkey Balls! But if you go, be sure to be on the lookout for UFO's! Happy hunting, and as always, STAY ALIVE!!!