Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR 61 John Osgood (Painting Through the Checklist)



We all love to discover new things, don't we? Sometimes they're not so great, like learning from the ticket in the mail that your street now has right-turn cameras. But other times, learning new things can be the best ever - join us on this latest episode of Candy Teeth Radio, where Jeremy learns something fantastic from our guest, Seattle artist, painter, and muralist extraordinaire John Osgood! Jeremy of course loves to draw, and John informs him of the weekly Seattle event called "Drawnk!" Yes, you heard right, this is an evening where artists gather together to have fun, draw up a storm, and toss back a couple wet ones! This is of course now Jeremy's favorite night of the week (other than Candy Teeth night, naturally!), and he has been attending regularly ever since! We also talk to John about the Bherd Gallery in Greenwood, and what it takes to make it in the Seattle art world, including dealing with public art calls and what music gets him through the day. He also entertains us with a fabulous Sean Conn