Candy Teeth Radio!

Episode 43 _Brandon Boote_DLO Reunion



On this nostalgic episode of Candy Teeth Radio Geoff and Jeremy interview Brandon Boote and dig up some bonus commentary from Rollo May. Brandon was a musician in multiple bands including the short lived 90s band dead letter office also known as D.L.O. Brandon shares old stories of busting through the Mexican boarder as a kid, the birth of D.L.O., Vinnie Vegas (Brandon's karaoke persona),the "best band 'til ever" Splendid Vengeance, what he thinks of the local band Pig Snout, and much more. Also we listen to guest kid DJ's Buck and Harry as they line up the hits ( bootlegged audio from a tape Jeremy found).This one is a great look into Tacoma's music history so pull your ear holes open and get ready for the sweetness that is Candy Teeth Radio... A big thanks goes out to Brandon Boote, Rollo May for taking the time to come into the studio. We also want to thank Killiam Lord for the photo.