

Please visit: Playlist for the entire series: Outline - Class #14: *-Conclusion on Chapter one of al-Usool Althalatha:* *Quote of al-Bukharee that was used by the author for additional proof on the four principles. -2 slight variations from the original quote of (al-Bukhari) and why: -Who is Albukhari? -Why did the author use a chapter title from al- Bukhari to substantiate his point? -Comments on the verse (Know that none has the right to be worshiped except Allaah, and ask forgiveness of your Lord for your sins) -Rule in Usool al-Fiqh. Does speech directed to the Prophet PBUH include us? **The structure of the Book, al-Usool Althalatha.** Chapter 1: The Four Fundamental Principles. Chapter 2: The Three Matters. A. Lordship with 6 sub-categories B- Shirk - Tawheed Al-Uluhieh C-Statement on Wala and Bara Chapter 3: Statement on Milet Ibrahim Chapter 4: The Th