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Matthew C. DeLaney, MD: Lost in the FOAM: Free Open Access Medical Education for the Technologically Challenged



Over the past several years, there has been an explosion in the use of various social media platforms, podcasts, and various websites devoted to Emergency Medicine. The term FOAM, or free open access medical education, is used to broadly categorize these resources, which for the most part are available to all providers. While certain providers may be able to seamlessly integrate this growing body of information into their daily practice, many providers may be unfamiliar with or uncomfortable accessing and implementing this new world of information. In this course we hope to familiarize novice users with the world of FOAM. We hope to highlight various resources that provide easy access to these resources. In addition we hope to illustrate the overlap that is developing between FOAM and traditional CME for providers. Finally we hope to address the unique pitfalls and challenges that can occur when providers attempt transfer knowledge from online into clinical practice.