Yuri Lowenthal

Tales From Tough City: A Pulp Novel - Chapter One



In this chapter we meet our protagonist, DeCameron Wichita, and the trouble begins. Or continues, seeing as how trouble is his business. Look, just because you're only starting here doesn't mean he hasn't been doing this a long time, punko. A pulp crimedy noirvella read one chapter a week for 14 weeks, by author Yuri Lowenthal. To buy the book, go to bugbotpress.com. Deep in debt to Tough City’s biggest boss, DeCameron Wichita takes a missing persons job that he oughtn’t've and makes the biggest rookie mistake a guy like him could make: he falls in love. With a stone-cold killer. But because he never does anything half-way, he also interferes with a blood feud, challenges Da Cherch, butts heads with pornographers, goes on the lam from the FTCP, saves a damsel in distress, jumps out of a flying machine, puts on a dress, goes to the movies, and visits his mom. Oh yeah, and punches a whole lotta people. Just like any other day in Tough City. Only it wasn’t any other day. It was Tuesday.