Elder Scrolls Lorecast

178: Azura: Daedric Prince Deeper Dive



It's time to revisit the Deadric Princes, so we're starting back at the top with Azura. We refresh you on the basics and then dig a bit deeper than last time. She just wants to be loved, right? There's nothing wrong with that... or is there? Tom & Lotus have some suspicions and share some other interesting facts we haven't covered before on the show. Donate to help Ukrainians with medical supplies: https://tiltify.com/@robotsradio/hope-for-ukraine Subscribe for more Elder Scrolls and ESO lore content! Patreon - Join the Patreon! Get cool stuff and access the first 90 episodes of the show all with no ads! https://patreon.com/elderscrollslorecast Sponsors: Audiobooks.com - Get 3 FREE audiobooks (2 VIP!) https://www.jdoqocy.com/click-100173810-11099382?sid=eslore Recommended (affiliate links help support the show without costing you anything extra!) The Infernal City: An Elder Scrolls Novel 1: https://amzn.to/3aO7aBx Lord of Souls: An Elder Scrolls Novel 2: https://amzn.to/2EmP9hE L