Salt Tv

Bride Part 4/ Adam's Rib



Meet John & Chris Comino: directors of Spirit & Life TrainingJohn and Chris began their lifelong, love affair 40 years ago at an archaeological dig at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Chris claims that she dug John out of the ruins. They have four children and 4 gorgeous grandchildren.They trained for ministry in Britain and have served 23 churches in New Zealand, the USA and Australia.John & Chris direct the Spirit & Life Training Centre in Lidcombe, Sydney.They believe that our churches should be filled with Christians who minister to one another and the world. Their vision is for churches to fulfill their biblical role as ministry training centres equipping every member to minister according to their unique, God-given gifts. They delight in teaching the saints to minister right where they live and work every day.John & Chris have dedicated their ministry to encouraging and teaching people to hear God for themselves. They believe that the Christian faith is not a list of doctrines but the measure of our love and trust toward Jesus. Our faith must be our personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. This relationship cannot be delegated to others. They are convinced that God talks to us constantly and every Christian can tap into their own heavenly conversation.