Butterflies Radio/indieviews Artist Spotlight

Butterflies Radio @IndieViews Artist Spotlight - 7th Green 7/1/13



Listen to the Butterflies Radio @IndieViews Artist Spotlight each Monday night at 8 PM EST on www.butterfliesradio.com. The hour long pre-recorded show features songs and an interview with me, Kiva Johns-Adkins with an Indie Artist from the station's rotation. This week's guest is the Rock/Funk/Jam quartet from LA (Lower Alabama) - Silverhill, Alabama to be precise.They were named the MSI: Hit List Artist of the Month for May, with their song, HE WORKS THROUGH HER. In 2006, Hayden Dudley, Owen Finley and Ethan Giles formed the band. Then life took them in different directions, only to come back together, along with Kristian Brannan in 2012.