Butterflies Radio/indieviews Artist Spotlight

Butterflies Radio @IndieViews Artist Spotlight - Zain Lodhia 6/17/13



Listen to the Butterflies Radio @IndieViews Artist Spotlight each Monday night at 8 PM EST on www.butterfliesradio.com. The hour long pre-recorded show features songs and an interview with me, Kiva Johns-Adkins with an Indie Artist from the station's rotation. This week's guest is Zain Lodhia, a Chicago-based singer/songwriter who found his way into the indie pop/rock scene by way of Rock Band,the game. His first EP, Memories was released in June, 2011. His latest EP, The Leap, is featured on tonight's show and was released May 21st, 2013. The official EP release show for The Leap will be on June 28th at Silvie's Lounge in Chicago, Illinois.