Awesome With Alison

Ep. 102: I want to know what fun is!



This episode IS A PARTY!!! Are you ready to have some extra pep in your step? Vroom in your zoom? Zing in your swing? Pump in your hump?!! You’re gonna get all that and more because we’re getting back to the basics on having more fun in your life! I’m selling you on why fun needs to be a priority, and setting you up to be able to remember what’s fun for you! You learn how to create it in your life with more ease! And yes, it will be fun in the process too. HIGH KICK! Want the accompanying worksheet?! Text iwantfun to 31996 Want more ease and joy in turning your dream into a reality?! Don’t miss my new course at it’s 1/2 off introductory rate! Awesome with Alison is supported by listeners LIKE YOU! If you have found value in this episode, or any others! Support the podcast! Eric's closing song is "All I See" from the Funky Fresh Collection at Pleasant Pictures Music Club. High End Music for $199/yr Use code: AWESOMEWITHERIC for 20% of