Locker Room

Faith Obeys



Faith Obeys Most of the significant life-change, transformation and breakthrough in our lives will come on the other side of obedience: hearing God's Word, receiving it humbly, and wholeheartedly putting it into practice. Join us this week as Scott unpacks from the book of James and digs into two words: faith obeys. Locker Room is back and we’re going to continue the theme from last season—taking two words at a time, doing a deep dive, unpacking God’s Word and God’s heart for us as men around things that matter. We’d love to hear from you. Shoot us an email at We’d love to hear how this podcast is encouraging you and would be honored to help you in any way that we can! If you want to join a Locker Room Group at Southland, go to and click ‘Join a Group’. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE Were you mainly obedient or disobedient as a kid? Is it possible to do the right things for the wrong reasons? Why or why not? Read James 1:19-20. When has being slow to listen,