David Hathaway

Encourage one another daily / Hebrews Bible Study (Part 9) / Chapter 3



‘See to it that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the Living God.’ Paul is saying to us, see to it that none of you is full of unbelief – which is sin – but ‘encourage one another daily, as long as it’s called Today, so that none of you be hardened by sins deceitfulness’! Oh boy! Scripture says the devil is like a roaring lion – going round eating people! The danger is that weak Christians can be deceived, taken in by the devil. If you’re not following the Lord closely, the devil can deceive you – and that’s sin. To share in Christ, we have to hold fast to our faith in Him! And in v15, Paul repeats what he says in v7-8, ‘Today, if you hear His Voice, don’t harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.’ It’s critical we pay attention!