Motormouth Mark

how to win friends and influence people book review final podcast by motormouth mark



Hey this is Motor Mouth with the final ramp of of Dale(?) Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, great book obviously it's been around for a long time, tons of people have read it. In the final chapters what he talked about was to trace some someone first as you as you lead into things you know and a lotta times you'd be like oh you're really good at mowing the lawn but you always forget to weed whip and if you can use and instead of but he thinks it's much better because the but just nullify what you said so if you if you could say you you did really said mowing the lawn and I like it too when the when it gets weed whipped well around the edges and it now looks great, sometimes that can work a lot more effectively just to talk about the use of drama and how people are so busy that sometimes things don't sync in so he had