Transplant & The Native

Season 5, Episode 59: Denver Food & Wine is coming!



Sorry for the echo, but the message from the guest is legit. Denise Mickelsen from the Colorado Restaurant Association joins the podcast as our first ever 4x guest, to talk about the upcoming Denver Food & Wine festivities. September 6-9 is a week of food events to highlight local restaurants from around the state, and also to raise funds for the hospitality industry.If you can stick through Kip's shitty audio, you'll be in for a treat, we run amuck joking about the upcoming event, and dive into the nitty gritty of the weeks ahead. Shakes & Brakes, The Grand Tasting, Seminars galore... this is not to be missed! Again, apologies for the audio, but bear with us... we will be in the new studio in 2 weeks!