Angel Invest Boston

Ben Holmes - Growing New Cartilage



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More   Growing new cartilage in your knees is a dream about to become reality. Listen to Ben Holmes, PhD, co-founder of Nanochon, to learn about his promising technology. Shoutout to Richard Meiklejohn of M2D2 for the introduction.    Sponsored by Purdue University entrepreneurship and Peter Fasse, patent attorney at Fish and Richardson.   Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Ben Holmes What Problem Nanochon is Solving "... That's really what we're looking to do, is offer a solution that can be a much easier, much more cost-effective solution for providers, but also something that can really provide much better short and long-term outcomes for patients, and, ultimately, make the knee replacement obsolete..." The Solution: What it is, and How it Works "... We're seeing much better repair, and we're doing it with something that's an easy-to-use, off-the-shelf product..." What is I-Corps? Future Funding Plans Names and Numbers Ben's Entrepreneurial Journey Advice to the Audience   Topic