David Hathaway

Promise of Millennium rest / Hebrews Bible Study (Part 11) / Chapter 4



‘Seeing therefore that it remains that SOME must enter, and those to whom it was first preached didn’t go in because of unbelief… again God set a certain day, saying to David, “Today after so long a time… today if you will hear His Voice, do not harden your hearts!”’ V8, ‘For if Jesus had given them rest, He would not afterwards have spoken of another day’! Jesus came offering us a way of escape, a way of salvation, a way of deliverance, but, just as Israel had long ago stood on the borders of the Promised Land and because of unbelief didn’t go in, when He came, Israel as a nation again rejected. They rejected Christ and crucified Him; Paul was also among them!  But, Paul writes, in the days of David, God was saying, “Today, if you don’t harden your hearts, you can receive...” In those 40 days after Jesus had risen from the dead, before He ascended to Heaven, He spoke many things about the Coming Kingdom… So that when He instructed His Disciples to wait in Jerusalem ‘for the Promise of the Father which you ha