Larry Williams Drive

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Vandalising other peoples’ cars is not going to win anyone over to the cause



If you’re not a fan of the kinds of climate activists that glue their hands to walls, then brace yourself because I have got next level douchebaggery to tell you about. There is a group in the UK called Tyre Extinguishers who go around deliberately deflating the tyres of SUVs and utes because these vehicles are considered the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide on the road. They have just set up a branch in Auckland of someone – because it’s probably just one lonely, bored hand wringer at this stage – who went around deflating tyres in Sandringham last week. They then popped a flyer on the windscreen of the vandalised cars that said: “ATTENTION – your gas guzzler kills. We did this because driving around urban areas in your massive vehicle has huge consequences for others” This is not going to win anyone over, is it? Is anyone targeted by these people going to get on board with the climate message and realise maybe they should ditch that SUV and catch the bus instead? I doubt it. And get a load of this: The fl