Larry Williams Drive

Heather du Plessis-Allan: There’s still some runway for Chris, but it’s running out



Up to now, because he’s a beginner, Luxon’s been given a relatively easy run on little slip ups and own goals. But I suspect that’s going to start changing. Three polls now, including last night’s, have put National in the lead. Which means Luxon is now a possible or probable winner at the next election. And he’s going to start facing the kind of scrutiny that comes with being a possible or probable Prime Minister. I suspect the runway for making mistakes is running out perhaps faster than he might think. I'm not suggesting voters will be harsh.  Clearly, they're being anything but, because despite a string of mistakes recently like calling for a public holiday to be cut to swap out for Matariki and getting confused on public transport subsidies, he went up more than 6% in the preferred Prime Minister poll last night. But the thing he won’t get away with is not knowing his mind or sounding like he doesn’t know his mind. There's too much of that lately. The most obvious example is Luxon trying his hardest to a