The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Death of the Average Sales Reps: The Future Sales Rep = Ironman/Ironwoman | John Barrows - 1701



What can you expect regarding AI technology and the sales industry? Is it going to replace sales representatives? How can you coach your sales reps with the use of AI? In this episode of The Sales Evangelist Podcast, host Donald Kelly speaks with John Barrow on the future of AI and the sales industry. Discover how leaders can leverage AI tools within the sales profession. John Barrows Background John Barrow owns the JB sales company, offering sales training to tech companies. He started his career when the internet was still in its fancy and saw the changes it made within the sales industry during this time. Now, he is seeing the industry change once again due to the development of artificial intelligence tools, such as Chat GPT. John knows with the changes made by AI technology, the sales industry will have to evolve with the tools to be successful. Teaching People to Be Robots Learning the sales process is becoming more difficult because leaders teach representatives how to use AI tools rat