Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast

Skyward: Reactions & Retrospective | SpanReads



SpanReads, our reread show, returns! For 2023, in anticipation for Defiant's release, we are doing the Skyward series! We're doing three episodes on each book, and this one is Reactions & Retrospectives. Importantly, unlike our cosmere SpanReads, we need to compare with the rest of the series, so this does have full Skyward series spoilers, excluding Defiant, of course, because it isn't out yet. So, what did we think of Skyward on a reread? Stay tuned to find out. For this book, we have Mi'chelle (firstRainbowRose), Jessie (Lady Lameness), Ian (Weiry), and Eric (Chaos). Need a recap? Jessie has you covered, and her own channel, she did a full recap for Skyward: SpanReads will come out weekly until Defiant comes out. Skyward episodes air August 31st to September 14th, Starsight from September 21st to October 5th, Skyward Flight from October 12th to October 26th, Cytonic from November 2nd to November 16th, and then Defiant comes out the week after! Thumbnail art is the US Skywar