Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

The Pain of a Sickle Cell Patient



So, let’s talk about the pain experienced by individuals with sickle cell disease… When is the last time you’ve been to a hospital? Living life with an ‘invisible’ disease, many sickle cell patients endure pain and discomfort that frequently goes unacknowledged and unnoticed. Many of these people are hospitalized an average of 3-6 times per year. However, due to the lack of visible symptoms, they often go undertreated. It’s disheartening how patient care for this remains overlooked even though sickle cell disease is the most inherited genetic disorder in the United States. But that needs to change, and so I’m here to shout from the rooftops today. Join us as we start the National Sickle Cell Awareness Month with an episode talking about the life our sickle cell patients have to deal with every day. Why you need to check this episode: Understand the life a lot of sickle cell patients deal with, especially with this ‘invisible’ disease; Recognize the importance of not undertreating the pain experienced by sick