What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

RELOAD: Finding Your Place in Social Media with Guy Kawasaki



Welcome to the What's Next! Podcast with Tiffani Bova.    This week I’m thrilled to bring back a special episode of What’s Next! Podcast where I capture a frank conversation with my friend and fellow Hawaiian, Guy Kawasaki. He’s the Chief Evangelist at Canva, a brand ambassador for Mercedes-Benz, and an Executive Fellow at the Haas School of Business. He is also the author of The Art of the Start, The Art of Social Media, Enchantment, and nine other books.     THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… anyone who wants to up their social media game.    TODAY’S MAIN MESSAGE… even for an expert, there is still room to learn. Guy is dedicated to making a difference via social media every day by pushing the envelope and learning as he goes.    In the world of social media, we both believe that you have to be thoughtful with your posts. The days of simply showing up are over. You can’t just tweet once and call it a day. Video has to be better. Graphics have to be better.     Guy, however, takes a more aggressive approach. He’s