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Understanding Oneself: Lessons in Self-Love and Personal Growth w/ Prince EA



The Art of Charm is brought to you by BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. In today’s episode, we cover happiness and fulfillment with Prince Ea. Prince Ea grew up as a shy, introverted kid who discovered conscious hip hop in high school and was inspired to make music to educate others like the rappers he admired did for him. He pursued a career in hip hop but found himself constantly comparing and competing with other artists which led him to question the meaning of happiness. He stopped rapping and began reading books on Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and psychotherapy to find the answer. He found that happiness is inside all of us and began sharing his insights through poetry and informative content. He continues to be the change he wants to see in the world and helps others find peace in their own lives. The journey to find fulfillment in life is filled with obstacles and distractions, so what can you do to overcome them, what resources can you use to find happiness