Sunny Side Up

Ep. 419 | Unlocking ABM Success in a Resource-Constrained Landscape



Episode Summary In this episode of Sunny Side Up, host Devan Cohen interviews Dan Radu, the founder and president of Macro, a digital marketing partner specializing in ABM programs. Dan shares insights into the concept of Account-Based Everything (ABE), emphasizing the importance of aligning marketing, sales, and customer success teams around a common account-focused mindset. He discusses the challenges faced by organizations operating in a resource-constrained landscape and highlights key metrics like account engagement score, opportunity creation probability, and deal size that drive ABM success. Dan underscores the significance of collaboration between teams and the role of agency partners like Macro in operationalizing go-to-market strategies. He provides step-by-step guidance on effectively implementing ABM, from tiering accounts to evaluating channel performance. About the Guest Dan is the founder & president of Macro, a digital marketing partner helping global marketing teams run ABM programs. For