The Todd Herman Show

Big Banks Love Them Some Ukraine Where They Will Episode 777



Big Banks Love Them Some Ukraine Where They Will . . . Build Back Better, Baby! Cha-Ching. The Pattern Recognition is thick between the war in Ukraine and the War on America’s small businesses and Constitutional system. Build Back Better, the Cobvid Flu Swindle: Before The Party decided to leverage a nearly two-year old flu they probably created to crush small businesses and force injections, Blackrock told the U.S. Treasury to find a way to inject hundreds of billions of conjured “money” into the U.S. economy. When President Trump went against his correct instincts and allowed Tony Fauci to shut-down all portions of the economy that were life-lines for real people, The Treasury did as they were told and illegally purchased corporate debt, to the tune of nearly $800 billion in fake money. That largely went to companies in which Blackrock and Vanguard--same people, different logos--who then used the fake money to buy real assets, like real estate that the lockdown continued and amplified the people who run Joe