The Todd Herman Show

Angry, confused, spiritually captured kids: Washington State will steal you from your parents. Episode 769



This is not pretend, it is not hysteria. The Separate Country of Washington wants to kidnap children from all states! It’s true and they actually admit it, just ask this woman, this woman and this woman. Even as good, godly men like Rep. Jim Wash fight back with proposed amendments, he is fighting from behind as his Party has been selling out to the gender industry for 8 years. Thanks to Jim’s leadership overcoming the cowardice of his Party’s flaccid Chair, all Republicans voted no on the kidnapping act, but the surrender started too long ago to make a difference. This I also know for a fact, the Separate Country for Washington would never have been the launching place for the Satanic lies of gender-rebellion without 8 years of cowardice by the Washington State Republican Party, its past chair, Susan Hutchison and their current Chair, Caleb Heimlich. I know this because, starting in 2015, I began documenting the lies of transgenderism taking over the State and I watched as Republicans simply--and purposefull