The Todd Herman Show

Biden announces plan to force you to buy electric cars and Its back this time for your house Episode 766



The attack on freedom continues with wars on mobility and economic viability. The people who run Joe Biden have announced a plan force car-sellers to sell 67% electric vehicles in an attempt to force you to buy these cars and trucks with kill-switches and government tracking devices built in. From Ireland to the fallen, former State of Washington, the Party is attacking single-family homes with zoning schemes to disappear such homesto taxes intended to drive people out to governments seeking to steal houses to stop the weather. Boss Capo of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon, apparently wants the government to seize them because: global ice age, global warming, climate change, climate emergency. Something tells me Jamie has an idea on how what he builds in the place of your former home is morally superior. Jamie’s homes will probably get water service, but the people who run Joe Biden want to limit water for rural citizens, but not for city-livers. In other words, Zach and I had a lot to discuss, like how to invest our m