The Todd Herman Show

Responding to a so-called “transgender” listener’s challenge to me via email and why I don’t regret the day dad died Episode 765



A friend who has begun listening to the Podcast and is catching up on emails said something pretty stark to me. “Sometimes, when you talk about your dad dying, it’s like you don’t regret that day. Did you and he have issues?” The answer is, sure, we had some issues but were always very close and I always dearly loved him. And . . . though I was heartbroken and though I miss my dad every day of my life, NO, I do not regret the day he died. I am grateful for that day and I hope that you, upon hearing this, will choose to make your kids grateful for the day you die, if it is something you can control. Speaking of hard conversations, how should we respond when someone tells us they are “transgender?” It depends on who they are to us, of course, but it must be in truth--there is no such thing as being “born in the wrong body”--and in grace, with Christ’s love. This is a note I got via email. It’s from a real person and we have now exchanged emails. In the Podcast, you will hear my response. “My name is HaVEN. Some