The Todd Herman Show

Switzerland stops the mRNA injections, Fauci announces the new pandemic is on the way Episode 757



Switzerland stops the mRNA injections, Fauci announces the new “pandemic” is on the way and the FDA gets ready for Round 7 of the mRNA The Covid Horror Show Hoax continues, but there is good news. Switzerland is all done with the mRNA. There will be no mandates, no government programs to get people injected, no pushing or even nudging by government. Better still, any doctor who prescribes the mRNA will be personally liable for any harms or deaths it causes. How many doctors do you think will take the risk. Things are different in the United States of Pharma. Michael P. Singer reports the Pharma Drug Association (“FDA”) is gearing up for a 7th injection! Tony Fauci predicts another “pandemic” and the biggest CDC story of late, Dr. Robert Redfield openly blaming Fauci for causing Covid, has gotten no attention by the Mockingbird Media. This all continues to be vitally important because of the brutal harm mRNA continues to cause.Harm like this: Spike protein accumulates in the brain and causes infarcts, bleeds,