The Todd Herman Show

Can we ACTUALLY stop the Central Bank Digital Currency Ep_751_Hr-2



Can we ACTUALLY stop the Central Bank Digital Currency? How can you prepare for what’s coming in finance? Zach Abraham and I spoke to a live audience about that and you get to hear it, now. Idahoans had a lot of questions for Zach Abraham, CIO of Bulwark Capital Management. He and I spent over an hour talk about how ESG Scores make risk-management into just more pandering to D.C. and lead to Silicon Valley Bank collapsing, but Zach went much deeper into that than I had ever heard him go. We addressed the ways people can hedge against the Central Bank Digital Currency--which is actually a Central Bank Digital Control Chip--but Zach was brutally honest about whether we can stop it. Perhaps least important, but of great personal value, you will hear Zach’s prediction about how long he would last in the lake with me and I will give you a post-soak update. What does God say? Matthew 6:19-21Treasures in Heaven19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves br