The Todd Herman Show

Women trapped with murderous men in womens prisons. Linda Wow a volunteer Chaplain joins us with details Episode 750



The Democrat Party is depraved and spiritually captured. Imagine being a small woman who made enough bad decisions to be in prison. Nevermind the bad decisions happened largely because you were molested by male family members and raped by other men. You were homeless and drug addicted . . . still, you accept responsibility. Now, you are a changed woman! You are a few credits short of graduating, you have accepted the Lord Jesus, you are letting Him change you and you are trying to finish your time in prison with dignity and honor. Then, there is a large, half-naked man standing in your cell, peeing in the unblocked toilet you and he will share for the next year. He will watch you relieve yourself, shower and change. If he so choose, he can walk around naked in front of you, he can pleasure himself or, given his size and strength, he can choose to rape you. According Linda Wow, this is the reality for women to whom she takes the Word of God in “women’s” prison in the separate Country of Washington. What does G