The Todd Herman Show

Give up your guns so spiritually captive mentally ill men can feel more safe when they beat you Episode 747



Give up your guns, it’s for public safety, say Democrats. Meanwhile, mentally ill men who believe they are women facing a holocaust chanted the f-word and then attacked a protester who simply wore a sign that read “Children Cannot Consent to Puberty Blockers.” A female cop, apparently the lead cop, smiled and watched. Later, she told an interviewer the man, called Billboard Chris, had instigated it. While that happened in Canada, the same attitude and behaviors persist in America. After the latest murder by someone--this time a woman--suffering a psychotic break occurred, she was given a virtual pass by the Mockingbirds because Tennessee, where she murdered 6 people, has passed a law to prevent children from being chemically and surgically mutilated. Twitter is STILL banning accounts that question gender-ideologyand its clear coziness to Satanic ritual. Democrat office holders post pro-murder memes promoting Antifa terrorists with guns shooting people who will not pretend boys are girls. Well known Evangelica