The Todd Herman Show

The W.H.O.’s lying power-grab. mRNA, cancer and brain disorders in babies. Biden’s bosses demand and get more censorship promises Ep_741



Senator Ron Johnson seems to be the only Republican with a full grasp on the scope of evil running the entire Covid program. He tried and failed to get the Senate to recognize the illegality of FigureHead Biden handing the corrupt, lying, murderous World Health Organization control over America when the WHO decides to declare a public health emergency. While the WHO has taken a break from pushing the mRNA on babies, the harm from the mRNA already in babies via their mother’s breastmilk is still becoming known, as we have now learned it has caused neurological damage as shown the Pfizer’s own post-marketing data, according to Dr. Peter McCullough. It’s not “just” neurological harm to babies, the mRNA is the only reasonable suspect for the 19.9% excess cancer deaths in young Americans or the 40% Excess Mortality in 2021 for Ages 25 – 64 Amongst the Healthiest Among Us and the current Excess Death Rate of 23% Among All Age Groups in America. There is far more in this Episode, including another appearance by a no