The Todd Herman Show

In America, Memes are illegal Episode 739



Hillary Clinton laundered campaign money through a disgraced law firm to pay disgraced foreign spies and fabricators of evidence to pretend Donald Trump was a Putin asset. That, we learned from the FBI, is not election interference.Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook CEO, refused to let most of his hundred-million users have access to the NY Post’s story about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which polls later indicated would have caused many Democrats to not vote for the FigureHead, Joe Biden. That same Zuckerburg spent half-a-BILLION dollars to place ballot drop boxes largely in Democrat areas, and to fund [read: buy] the offices where votes were counted. Those two steps literally changed the vote outcome. That, we learned from the FBI, is not election interference. Time Magazine detailed the coordinated, highly-detailed plan executed by Big Media, Big Tech, Big Leftist Groups known for street violence, Big Law Firms, Big Unions and Fortune 500 companies to hide TRUE information from voters, change election law