The Todd Herman Show

Want to force change into trans-radical, racist government schools? Make school optional for all kids. Episode 733



Unless we exert control over our institutions, starting with the schools, murders like those we saw in Nashville (and Aberdeen, and Denver, and Colorado Springs) will happen far more often as the minds of young people are broken by causing psychotic breaks with reality. We have enough people who are unconnected to reality, like the Sniffer-in-Chief who, instead of mourning the dead people murdered by a woman in a psychotic break instead admired the bodies of children. So many government schools played along with the lockdowns--and, many schools got paid to push masking and mRNA injections--that CBS News did a long report about the unprecedented damage to kid’s education, though CBS blamed a flu. The radicalization of so many schools has decimated people’s respect for the principles of a healthy society, it will take a century to get them back. The WSJ on what people value today: In 1998, 70 percent of Americans said patriotism was very important and now, only 38 percent. Religion was 62 percent in 1998, now 3