The Todd Herman Show

Donald Trump is a Dutch Farmer Ep_712 - Hr-1



With this piece, The New York Times didn’t know they were writing about Trump and Constitutional Populism, but they did. . . . The Times writs that “many” say Mark Rutte’s plan to cut nitrogen emissions will imperil farming operations. How could those Dutch-Deporables believe such misinformation? I mean, telling family farms they have to destroy ⅔ of their cattle couldn’t possibly imperil farming. Plus, Bill Gates has fake meat for you! That is the sate of play as the elites attempt to prevent the unwashed from brining into the halls of power the hideousness of God, common sense, compassion, truth, reality and actual math where 2 + 2 still means a thing. In the Netherlands it’s farmers, in America it has been Trump.The anti-Trump is George Soros; he’s evil but not stupid. He has made it his life’s focus to destroy America with no borders, legalized narcotics, violent criminals being allowed to roam-free and cops being ridiculed and murdered. To get much of this done, Soros wanted attorneys general and distr