The Todd Herman Show

Tony Fauci-Prosecute me for WHAT? Episode 703



America’s Leading Expert on Infectious Diseases Being a Psychopath, Tony Fauci pretends to be confused as to what we could possibly hope to see him prosecuted. Fauci asked, I deliver my opinion on many of the ways we should see him prosecuted. There is the violation of a Presidential Order forbidding him using our money to fund Gain-of-Function Research with the CCP’s Wuhan Lab . . . oh, and there is the Sedition involved in illegally funding it as the CCP says they want to be the world leaders in Cognitive and Biological Warfare. Tony Fauci’s agency pushed the deadly hospital protocols that economically incentivize medical centers to force deadly levels of morphine and other pain-killers on people for no medical reason, which leads to venting them and then to the all too often deadly Remdesivir. The CDC, under Fauci, lied about lockdowns, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine; to varying degrees, these lies killed people. Fauci lied about masks, which have stolen the development of mirrored-synapses in children,