The Todd Herman Show

Democrats want less prison time for school shooters, The Jesus Stephen Colbert imagines, Hillary does Zelensky Episode 698



The separate Country of WA State is the leading indicator of what The Left intends to do to America. Here’s some of the what’s coming: they intend to ban semi-automatic rifles owned by people who have never broken a law. They intend to make sure school-shooters and drive-by shooters get less prison time. Yes, this is in the same legislative session. The AP is helping them in their pursuit by pretending AR-15s are used in most murders carried out using guns. This is all being done in a Country where you would literally commit a felony if you let your Dad shoot one of your weapons without doing a background check on him. It’s tempting to say this is all play-acting, but this is a State that recently attempted to pass into law a Bill that would put people in prison for wrongspeak, so one can understand why the dictator, Jay Inslee, doesn’t want people armed with weapons capable of effectively defending their homes.Down the Left Coast, Stephen Colbert shared his version of Jesus while his well-trained audience ho