The Todd Herman Show

Congress votes 419-0 to give Big Pharma cover for killing our families. Episode 695



It’s bipartisan so it just-must-be-good: the 419-0 vote in Congress to declassify Covid origins, yet the FigureHead hasn’t been told whether or not to sign the Bill into Law. Yes, it would be nice to know the origin of the Covid Flu. But, if it came from the Chinese Lab, the best we could possibly get is Tony Fauci going to prison for violating the Presidential Order against U.S. Gain-of-Function Research with China, and that is a longshot. What we CAN control is the origin of the mRNA injections: WHEN did they decide to jam mRNA into us, WHY did they decide that since it clearly wasn’t to stop a virus. WHO at Pfizer and Moderna knew the shots were harmful and deadly, WHO at the FDA and the CDC decided to cover that up. The 419-0 vote in Congress to declassify Covid origins is a great way to distract people from the real enemy: Pfizer and Moderna and the people who pimp for them. From Big Pharma to Big Banking: Meet the woman who was supposed to be running Risk Management at Silicon Valley Bank (the US Bank h