
How AI Can Improve Healthcare Delivery with Mozzi Etemadi, MD, PhD



Mozziyar “Mozzi” Etemadi, MD, PhD, is supporting the transformation of healthcare delivery and patient care at Northwestern Medicine by bringing engineers into direct contact with clinical providers. In this episode, he talks about the explosion of artificial intelligence in healthcare in recent years and how Northwestern Medicine is using this technology to improve healthcare delivery and patient care.  “I think that as some of these tools like ChatGPT become more commonplace, as we learn more how they work, how to create them, we will create somewhat simpler versions of them, I think, that will work well in healthcare because they'll be a human in the loop and they'll be clear interpretability in what these things are saying. And trust will be built gradually.” Mozziyar Etemadi, MD, PhD, assistant professor of Anesthesiology, medical director of advanced technologies at Northwestern Medicine, and chief of data engineering at the Institute for Augmented Intelligence in Medicine.