The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

The B2B Sales One Call Close Strategy | Jake Funk - 1706



In this episode, host Donald Kelly speaks with Jake Funk from a small startup called Salesforce in the Silicon Valley area. Jake shares his experiences and strategies for closing deals in one call. With over three years of experience at Salesforce and as a certified admin, Jake has honed his skills in simplifying the sales process and bridging the gap between client problems and solutions. Keeping it Simple ●     Jake emphasizes the importance of keeping the sales process as simple as possible to increase the chances of closing a deal in one call. He believes in the KISS principle (Keep it Simple, Stupid), which involves making it easy for prospects to buy from you. ●     Rather than scheduling multiple calls for demos and presentations, Jake believes in providing all necessary information during the initial call. This approach saves time and caters to the busy schedules of decision-makers. Demonstrating Value ●     When speaking with potential clients, Jake typically starts the conversation by getting to