Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Human Design Projectors: Divine Timing & Your Profitable Business Path



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Welcome to a masterclass designed exclusively for Human Design Projectors seeking a profitable business journey aligned with their unique energy. Join Jennifer Cramer Lewis, Success Sorceress and Human Design strategist, in exploring the art of divine timing and seasonal alignment for business alchemy and success. Are you tired of pushing your business too hard, trying to force profitability when it's not the right season? Discover how your business has its own wisdom, and learn when to step back and let it thrive naturally. Don't burn your business down; instead, strategically put certain services on hold until the opportune moment, like waiting for “spring”. Uncover the power of working on exciting opportunities that invigorate you and spark genuine enthusiasm. Find the clients and services that align with your Projector energy, and watch your business flourish. In this masterclass, you will: * Embrace Divine Timing: Learn to recognize when your business is ready for