Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Prodigal- Finding Grace Week 3: Embracing the Costly Gift: God's Grace—Priceless for You, Free for All



In this inspiring episode, we journey through the profound concept of grace, exploring how it stands as a powerful game-changer in our lives. The episode opens by highlighting the common struggle of many: misunderstanding or underestimating God's grace. In a world that celebrates achievement and merit, grace often feels too good to be true, leaving us hesitant to accept it. The core problem is our varied ways of relating to God, either dismissing grace as unattainable or trying to earn it through our own efforts. The episode goes on to explain that grace is free to receive, offering an essential lifeline in our imperfections. The heart of the episode centers on the parable of the prodigal son. Three key insights into the father's grace are unveiled: The Father's Grace Was Waiting: The father's love and compassion were unwavering, even when his son was a long way off. The Father's Grace Was Immediate: The father didn't hesitate to embrace his son and celebrate his return. The Father’s Grace Was Costly: A f