Finding Founders

My Grandfather, Frank Donner Jr.- #178: Frank Donner



This is my Grandpa. He’s 92 and despite the long list of supplements that accompany his breakfast, he’s still got an expansive knowledge of the stock market, most of his hearing, and a full head of hair. More importantly he’s the OTHER co-founder of my family. Previously we spoke to my Grandma about her childhood, her challenges, and the creation of the Donner Family as I know it today but, of course, she didn’t do it alone. And also I didn’t do this podcast episode alone either. This is a full family affair. My sister Sophia is actually editing this episode with me. So Grandpa Donner or Frank Donner II, father to ten, and grandfather to double that, has been there for every moment, keeping his kids in line and then taking a step back to watch them continue forward. But that doesn’t mean he’s stopped. As we progress through his story, I began to realize that you never stop learning, no matter your age. Grandpa Donner has lived through his fair share of setbacks, failures, and heartbreaks but he’s a testament