Golf Smarter

420: Winning The Battle Within - The Return of Dr. Glen Albaugh



420: The NFL Seattle Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl XLVIII led by head coach of Pete Carroll. Pete is a long time friend, and former sports psychology student at University of Pacific of this week’s guest, Dr. Glen Albaugh. On the cover of Glen’s book, “Winning the Battle Within” Coach Carroll is quoted as saying “Glen’s teachings helped form my coaching philosophy.” Whether you’re rooting for Pete and the Seahawks or not, you have to admire his attitude, and his approach to competition and winning. Dr. Glen Albaugh has created a unique Applied Sport Psychology Consulting Service for a wide range of professional and amateur golfers. Formerly a sports psychology instructor at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California for 28 years where he coached the Pacific Tigers golf team. It was during this time, while working with the finest sports psychologists, coaches and golf instructors in the world, that he formulated the basis for the principles in his renowned book, which was authored with Micha