Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 160: JOB Part 5 - The GREAT Encounter



This is for those of you who are thinking, “God has abandoned me! I have been faithful, but God, I can't hear you.” You may be praying this: “God, WHERE ARE YOU? I need a word from You today, right now, because after facing ALL of this hardship, all of these trials, I need You now. Answer me, answer me!” Job wailed and cried and called out to God, he lamented for something to change for chapters on end. Job never prayed for his things back. He explicitly said, “Let the Almighty answer me” (Job 31:35). But finally, when God DID speak, Job was floored at what God Himself had to say to Job. And it was all that Job needed. What you need is an encounter with the Lord, so seek it until you get it.    Monologue: Autumn recounts what God does for her for her birthday each year, including special moments with her children.  Message: After the break, Autumn describes what God does in response to Job’s long lamentations for God to answer. Question: “When something bad happens to someone, my friends tell me it must be be