Finding Founders

From Travel Startups during Lockdown to Innovation in Mentorship- #179: Jamie Goulding | Been There



Jamie was about to risk everything to create a travel towel company in Bali during covid. Maybe not the most opportune time but Jamie takes risks. From Ebay side hustles in his teens to transcontinental moves for new job opportunities, Jamie has learned that taking risks can forge new connections with people who were once strangers. Jamie’s learned that these new relationships have vastly changed the trajectory of his life and now he’s trying to give others that opportunity. Jamie’s company “Been There” works to connect aspiring entrepreneurs, thinkers, and leaders with advisors that have been there before. His company is trying to broaden who can be mentors, it’s not about knowing everything, it’s just about knowing a bit more than the person you’re advising. That way we can all be mentors. But before meeting strangers all over the world, he spent his childhood growing up in NewCastle, England, where he learned his father’s life motto , “a stranger is a friend you haven't met yet.”